Department of Marathi
Date of Establishment: 1997
Names of Programmes/Courses offered : UG
Number of Teaching posts : 03
To equip rural students irrespective of class with linguistic and literary skills in Marathi to face challenges of the changing scenario at local and global level.MISSION
To run courses in Marathi prescribed by Savitribai Phule Pune University, PuneTo provide remedial coaching to the students of socially weaker section of society.
To provide facilities of job oriented short term courses.
To cultivate critical approach and literary values among students.
Well qualified, committed and experienced faculty.Necessary infrastructure with ICT equipment
Unique innovative programme for learners.
Faculty members publish research papers in National and International journals.
No P.G. and Research centre.Feeding of students with poor basic knowledge and rural background.
Upgrade Language Laboratory.Broad scope of job opportunity
Scope for introducing need based courses
Cut throat competitionTo improve communication skill of students.
To encourage student for creative writing.
To enrich Marathi Language Resource Centre and departmental Digital LibraryTo form Alumni-Students Club
To enrich research profile of the department.
Plan to introduce P.G. department.