Department of Commerce

Date of Establishment: 2021-2022

Names of Programmes/Courses offered : B.COM

Number of Teaching posts : 1


Provide Conducive environment for quality education in Commerce, Entrepreneurship and research through innovative and healthy Practices with commitment. Introducing innovative teaching and learning models, with a strong base of scientific research methods at all levels, by organizing Research festivals and strike a healthy and mature balance between modern and traditional values, similarly sensitizing teachers and students towards a more human approach. Inculcate ethical and moral values by off


Creating healthy environment for teaching, learning and research activities. Generating and providing resources and facilities to the faculty and the students for generating innovative ideas. Creating an urge in students to take up entrepreneurship in order to be successful by standing on their feet instead of being dependent on others.



STRENGTH: 1. Attendance of the students is about 90% 2. Students from dept. take initiative in various competitive examinations. 3. Students participation in NSS and NCC is quite well 4. Awareness about the use of library books and magazines is increased 5. Department staff is well qualified and also departmental library have no. of books.


WEAKNESS: 1. Inadequate lighting in class-room 2.No Post Graduation unit


OPPORTUNITIES: 1. Many Career opportunities are available to commerce and Management students 2. Career opportunities in the field of competitive examinations and recruitment are available 3. Higher education and Research activities are open for the commerce students. 4. Lots of Industrial Area is available to the departmental students.


We can define Agility as the capability of a business to introduce advancements, develop and deploy digital content, and respond to seasonal changes rapidly. Agility drives immediate digital fulfillment, and it is identified as one of the most critical initiatives in eCommerce businesses. Agile transformation is at the heart of the digital business, and scaling is essential for making it successful.


Future Plan:- 1. To conduct Job fairs in a College. 2. To organize UGC sponsored seminar 3. To organize Guest Lecture. 4. To increase placement opportunities. 5. To promote ICT Teaching 6. To strengthen activity of student research project

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